Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Mike!

The Epic Tale Of Mike Book XII: 
The Kaku Meteor
 As Taken from the Journal 
of the 
Omicron Dioces.

As transcribed by Errol Farr, Chris Strohmaier, and Jonathan Farr

Lo! Professor Mike with his hair and cheatdeath smile
Did receive from the stars a missive
Received in thought what he had sought
That loss was not permitted.

The sleeper then awoke inside
the mountcock built on science
"I will make the jump to Kaku's rock
Therein is my defiance!"

The Kaku atop his quantum sphere
beheld the mighty screams
and laughed down through the mortal clouds
at the city filled with cream

"Can you uncoil the dimensional beast
Or bring the stars to you?
Your world will be as dust to me
as Funyuns when you chew!"

Mike stepped to Kaku and said, 
"So you think you got us beat?
Kaku laughed as Mike looked for 
some meteoric eats

The Kaku staked Mike through and through
and saw that he was sly
he brushed back his silvery hair and spoke then in his pride


"McKasty if you want me gone 
and you to be king of the world
Then ride my ship of eleven sails
I want them all unfurled"

Mike said not a word but smiled

Without nary a plan

He then put on his buckyball shoes

and faced the wizened man

 "Before this shit gets live my friend
You've got us in a jam
But yo, hey wait look over there." 
With a dash Mike yelled out "BAM!"

And Mike said One! For the width of it
Two! for the length of it
Three! for the depth of my verse!

Four! as I step in time
Traversing with stupendous rhymes
The other seven just get worse!

Kaku held his hand
palm raised to stop McKasty's beats
And laid his own down on the boy
with buckyballin' feet

"You may have a grasp of a physics
so I guess you know my show
But the watching isn't gonna stop this rock
from hitting down below

You've got a great style and look at that smile
not to mention you're a bit loquacious
but let's see if that physics slam of yours 
can match my own equations

From earth could be heard a unison gasp 
That resounded to Mike's core
Then Kaku with his chalk in hand 
Went to his blackened board

He dropped derivatives balanced positives
With the twinkling of his negative eye
He drew from sine riding parabolla lines
That made the spheres cry

Mike watched it all and threw his dice 
At Kaku's square rooted "e"
Then laughed as what was now produced 
A singularity

The laugher stopped when Kaku barked 
"You fool! you've doomed them all!
The people screamed, Mike said "oh shit!" 
But Kaku didn't fall

He reached up as to pick some fruit
Or catch a bug in flight
And squeezed the black hole in his palm
Til it blinked out of sight

Mike looked around for what to do
His best tricks had been played
All hope seemed lost the earth was doomed
Impossible for him to get laid

Just then across the Kuiper belt 
A sight they were to meet
With golden ships and crystal sails 
Came the astro-elvish fleet

Their captain An-El'dil'ian'fur 
Caught Mike's befuddled gaze
And tossed to him a scroll of math
That brought Earth back into play...

To be continued next year...

Happy Birthday Mike!